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Hello. Some clarifications for this superpower needed.

1) Superpower contains range of 3, does this work only on rerolls which agents gain being in range 3 or Nick Fury receives energy for damage dealt and received in this 3 range of him? 
Situation for example: she-hulk receives damage on the opposite table edge of Nick Fury (outside of 3 of him) - will Nick Fury gain 1 power for this.

2) Does this superpower work only when agents are within 3 of Nick Fury and if they're killed - it stops working?

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Director of S.H.I.E.L.D provides a reroll to the allied S.H.I.E.L.D Agents when they are within range 3 of Nick Fury and it provides 1 power to Nick Fury when the allied S.H.I.E.L.D agents are within range 3 and deal damage or suffers damage from the enemy effect.

4 hours ago, BlackenedHeart said:

Superpower contains range of 3, does this work only on rerolls which agents gain being in range 3 or Nick Fury receives energy for damage dealt and received in this 3 range of him? 


4 hours ago, BlackenedHeart said:

she-hulk receives damage on the opposite table edge of Nick Fury (outside of 3 of him) - will Nick Fury gain 1 power for this.

He won't receive power for damage to she-hulk regardless of range. The power is only gained for damage dealt or received by the allied S.H.I.E.L.D Agents.

4 hours ago, BlackenedHeart said:

Does this superpower work only when agents are within 3 of Nick Fury and if they're killed - it stops working?

Yes, because it only interacts with allied S.H.I.E.L.D Agents

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