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Can a unit make a move in which they are going to fail to cohere?  A trooper unit does a climb onto a building in which all of the minis of the unit will not be able to fit?  Can they do it?  The crb states if for any reason minis cannot be placed in cohesion place them as close as possible. Can a unit that moves and can’t be in cohesion trigger a free action off the move such as relentless?  Thanks!

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Hi there,

On 3/8/2023 at 8:25 PM, Pinto397 said:

Can a unit make a move in which they are going to fail to cohere? A trooper unit does a climb onto a building in which all of the minis of the unit will not be able to fit?  Can they do it?  The crb states if for any reason minis cannot be placed in cohesion place them as close as possible.

Yes, a unit may perform a move in which it is impossible for all the non-unit leader miniatures to end in cohesion. They will be placed as close as possible to the unit leader. 

On 3/8/2023 at 8:25 PM, Pinto397 said:

Can a unit that moves and can’t be in cohesion trigger a free action off the move such as relentless?


Hope this helps,

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