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What step does X-ceptional healing card actually affect.

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This came up in a game today.  I was hit for 4 damage on wolverine and then played x-ceptional healing to reduce it to one.  My opponent gained 4 power from his builder and I only gained one.  I then asked why he got 4 and he said the damage is applied before I can modify it so he gets the power.  Now the card reads "would be damaged" I think the card is played in step 11 and therefore the damage is only one and the power gained would be one.  Tell me if I am wrong. We are both new.

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“Would be damaged” occurs in step 12, before the damage is suffered.

It modifies the amount of damage you are going to suffer before you suffer it.

Most rules that provide the attacker power equal to the damage they deal occur in step 14a, so it occurs after x-ceptional healing is finished.

Barring some exception you haven’t mentioned, both of you would only gain 1 power if you only suffered 1 damage.

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