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Quicksilver's Supersonic Strike triggered abilities stacking.

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If one is lucky enough for Quicksilver to land the correct results enough times how would I go about resolving the Dash and Velocity triggers.

Attack One I get a Dash (A) and a velocity (A) trigger. I choose to resolve the Velocity trigger first, and that attack also gets a Dash (B) and a Velocity (B) result. 

Do I need to resolve the Dash (A) result now or proceed with the (B) triggered effects?

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When resolving triggers each trigger gets fully resolved before moving on to the next. In this specific example, however, the first Velocity trigger generates another Velocity trigger that needs to resolve before the first one can finish.

This nested resolution resolves the last trigger fully resolving first and working backwards to the first attack. There may also be 14b effects that need to resolve during a given Velocity's resolution as well so those will be inserted in as per the attack timing chart.

5 hours ago, TheGamersGuild said:

Do I need to resolve the Dash (A) result now or proceed with the (B) triggered effects?

Resolve the B triggered effects first.

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