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Lord Maul's "Sustained By Rage" ability with no active force points left

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Squad starts with 6 Force Points. All 6 are used.

Lord Maul activates

Lord Maul attempts to use Force Speed


Can Lord Maul use "Sustained By Rage" to use Force Speed by taking damage even though there is no active Force Points available to use for Force Speed?

Reasoning: Sustained By Rage states that 'While this Unit is not Wounded, when it would spend [FORCE] to use an ability...". In this case, since there is not enough force to use Force Speed to begin with, Lord Maul would not be spending any Force to replace with damage.


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On 5/31/2023 at 4:35 PM, Tirend said:

Can Lord Maul use "Sustained By Rage" to use Force Speed by taking damage even though there is no active Force Points available to use for Force Speed?

Yes. He is spending Stamina instead of Force to use that ability. He can do that even when there is not enough Force available to use the ability normally. This question is answered by the FAQ document linked in the Useful Links thread.

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