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General Obi-Wan Knowledge and Defense: Healing for Dash

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Hello There!

When you remove hunker tokens after an attack, you may remove all tokens to heal. Each character that Heal may Dash.

Question is: The character who wants to Dash:

A) Must remove a damage or condition from it's unit.

B) Can remove a damage or condition to a friendly character at range 2.

C) Can "attempt" to heal himself, even if it has no damage or condition tokens.


Thank you very much!

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  • 2 months later...
On 8/3/2023 at 4:59 AM, Mandaluri said:

C) Can "attempt" to heal himself, even if it has no damage or condition tokens.

This is the closest.

They will perform the Heal. The effect of performing a Heal is that they can then choose whether or not they want to remove one condition or one damage from themselves or another allied Unit within Range 2. They can perform the Heal and then choose not to remove anything

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