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Red Skull, Master of the World’s Leadership, My Cabal is Only for the Strong

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  • Thoras changed the title to Red Skull, Master of the World "My Cabal is only for the strong"
  • 2 weeks later...

What is the timing of the leadership ability "My Cabal is only for the strong"?

The die are not changed but counted as a crit, so is it still taking place in step 9.a.i (Attacker modify their attack dice)?

Can it be applied already when rolling the dice and at step 8. Resolve criticals rolled?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Red Skull, Master of the World will be receiving an errata to clarify his Leadership, My Cabal is Only for the Strong. 

This is the new text. 


Once per turn, while a non-Grunt allied character is attacking, after rolling attack dice but before the Resolve Criticals step, it may treat one Failure result in the attack roll as a Critical result. If it does, after the attack is resolved, the attacking character loses 1 Power. If it does not lose Power, it suffers 1 Damage.

This means the Leadership is used at the end of step 6 of the attack timing chart in Appendix A.

If the dice result affected by this Leadership is modified at a later step, the Leadership’s effect will be lost. 

If the Leadership is used, the attacking character will pay the cost after the attack is resolved regardless of whether or not the effect is still active. 

On 10/16/2023 at 4:04 PM, IIHpundII said:

At step 8 (so that it works like Malekith/Domino)

Domino and Malekith use their abilities at the end of step 6.

On 11/3/2023 at 5:10 PM, Metal_ash said:

So my question is, do i have to lose a power if i have it or can i chose not to lose a power and suffer the damage instead?

The character will lose Power if it has any to lose at the appropriate time. It will suffer Damage only if no Power is lost to the Leadership. 

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  • Negoldar changed the title to Red Skull, Master of the World’s Leadership, My Cabal is Only for the Strong
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