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My hellfire club and contesting extracts.

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Hi guys, 

I couldn't find an answer to this even though I'm pretty sure I read this somewhere. During a tournament last weekend this came up: 

I was playing Hellfire with the My Hellfire Club. My character dazes an enemy carrying an extract (Paranoia Pummels Populace) token. The opposing character drops their extract which I then place within R2 of his dazed character and within R1 of my character. As my character was on 1HP I was unwilling to pick it up as the damage from the disturbance token would have dropped my character. If I read the rules correct on p12 of the rulebook: "A character within range 1 of an objective token is contesting that token", my character would count as contesting the extract token as there is no distinction between secures or extract tokens being made. As far as I can tell, you can even secure an extract token. 

Does this mean my character within R1 of the extract would have been able to heal a damage and gain a power? 

Thanks for the clarification. 

Edited by Darkredwyrmling
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5 hours ago, Darkredwyrmling said:

Does this mean my character within R1 of the extract would have been able to heal a damage and gain a power? 

Yes. The rules for contesting objectives are not specific to Secure objective tokens. All objective tokens can be contested. 

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