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Hello friends how are you? I want to ask something specific, when I want to play the new Captain Marvel CA(Normal) has the innate super power (Enhanced Energy Absorption) it says what is in the statement and it catches my attention where it says "in the defense roll "Does this refer to step 7 of the timing? In order for me to be able to cancel with my possible wilds, the crits of the attack, in the dice of step 6 of my attacking enemy, could you confirm this because a friend who has Malekith and he uses "Cloak of Shadows" says that he does there specify and that captain marvel only modifies with wilds only at the end of her total defense roll, in step 10, not being able to cancel those crits in step 7 of the timing of an attack, could you shed some light on this?
Thanks in advance 🙂


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Enhanced energy absorption occurs in step 9aii because it involves changing the dice results.

Malekith's Cloak of Shadow's effect occurs at a different time because it doesn't actually change the die, you just treat the die as a different result.

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