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On Yoda’s ATARU MASTERY, it states that he may perform up to two attack actions. 

Yoda’s two pip, there is no try, grants Yoda the RELENTLESS keyword for the round. Does relentless and Ataru mastery interact so that Yoda may move-relentless attack for his first action, then move-relentless attack for his second action within the same activation? 

I also have the same question for the CHARGE keyword granted by Yoda’s one pip, size matters not. Can he move twice and trigger a free charge attack twice within the same activation? 

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21 hours ago, NathanDare said:

Yoda’s two pip, there is no try, grants Yoda the RELENTLESS keyword for the round. Does relentless and Ataru mastery interact so that Yoda may move-relentless attack for his first action, then move-relentless attack for his second action within the same activation? 

Yes. As Ataru Mastery allows Yoda to perform two attack actions, he may indeed combine this the Relentless keyword granted by the There Is No Try command card to make two free attack actions after two respective move actions.

21 hours ago, NathanDare said:

I also have the same question for the CHARGE keyword granted by Yoda’s one pip, size matters not. Can he move twice and trigger a free charge attack twice within the same activation? 

Yes, for the same reason. Yoda may perform two attack actions, free or otherwise, due to his Ataru Mastery keyword.

Hope this helps,

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