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If a unit uses an ability that specifies it can only be used when it's not wounded, but it does get wounded during the resolution of the said ability, is it allowed to finish the entire ability or does it have to stop the moment it gets wounded?

Example: Captain Rex uses "I'm always first, kid". He has 3 stamina remaining and a strain token. He resolves the first part of the ability (the dash) which wounds him, making him no longer eligible to use "I'm always first, kid". Can he still finish the ability and perform the attack?

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  • 2 months later...

The answer to this may be different depending on the particular rule in question. Although the logic is applicable to other rules, this should not be understood as a blanket answer to every rule. The specifics of the wording and the type of ability may change the answer.

For "I'm always first, kid", the restriction related to whether or not he is Wounded applies to him using the Reactive ability. Once its been used, there are no further checks on whether or not he is Wounded. He will be allowed to finish resolving the ability and make the attack.

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