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Mother Talzin's Manipulating Hand & Strained/Pinned

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Can Mother Talzin Manipulating Hand a Pinned enemy character and still have the Dash resolve, or would it remove the Pinned condition instead? The wording of Pinned suggests that the character Talzin is manipulating would just remove the Pin.

The same for a Talzin trying to Manipulating Hand a Strained character. Would they dash, take 3 damage, and remove the Strained condition, per the rules wording?

Thank you!

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18 hours ago, ArtificerAlf said:

Can Mother Talzin Manipulating Hand a Pinned enemy character and still have the Dash resolve, or would it remove the Pinned condition instead? The wording of Pinned suggests that the character Talzin is manipulating would just remove the Pin

It would remove the Pinned condition

18 hours ago, ArtificerAlf said:

The same for a Talzin trying to Manipulating Hand a Strained character. Would they dash, take 3 damage, and remove the Strained condition


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