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Gaining steadfast mid-attack.

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Bo-katan has steadfast when contesting an objective. If she is shoved onto an objective during an attack, how does steadfast interact with any subsequent shoves during the same attack?

Does the steadfast whif because the first shove has already resolved; or does steadfast prevent the second shove, as it's the first shove applied to her after she gained steadfast?

Edited by Miraxis
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On 11/30/2023 at 10:49 PM, Miraxis said:

Does the steadfast whif because the first shove has already resolved; or does steadfast prevent the second shove, as it's the first shove applied to her after she gained steadfast?

It applies to the first shove in the overall attack, so if she gains Steadfast after that has occurred, it will not benefit her during that attack.

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