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Shuffled Shatterpoint then Patience?!

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If you have a card in reserve (or not); and shuffle the shatterpoint card, if you draw General Obiwan - are you them allowed to use his patience ability?


Rule book says you must play the card you draw after shuffling a shatterpoint; however, Obiwans cardinal rule should provide an exception - through patience?



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On 12/16/2023 at 1:32 AM, desertspiral said:

If you have a card in reserve (or not); and shuffle the shatterpoint card, if you draw General Obiwan - are you them allowed to use his patience ability?


The rule about the card drawn from shuffling your shatterpoint card into your deck is that "The newly revealed Unit must activate and cannot be placed in reserve".

Cannot will always beat can unless the "can" rule is providing an explicit exception to the "cannot".

So although yes, special rules can override core rules, Patience doesn't contain any language allowing it to explicitly override the cannot in this case.

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