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Stormtroopers - For the Empire

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Couple of questions.

Is this one of your two actions you can use after you pay a force?

You pick a enemy character that is engaged with the Stormtroopers and lets say Vader (allied character). You then push them 2 away from Vader, then the stormtroopers gain (!).

Is this the ability in a nutshell? 

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On 12/28/2023 at 1:47 PM, Darklordxeno said:

Is this one of your two actions you can use after you pay a force?

Yes, using this ability costs the Unit one of its two Actions and at least 1 Force

On 12/28/2023 at 1:47 PM, Darklordxeno said:

You pick a enemy character that is engaged with the Stormtroopers and lets say Vader (allied character). You then push them 2 away from Vader, then the stormtroopers gain (!).

This is one way in which it could resolve, yes.

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