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Oblong bases are allowed to deploy such that part of their base is outside the deployment zone.  Does that mean a bomb token cannot be assigned to an oblong based unit if part of the base is outside the deployment zone?  Thanks!

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Hi there,

The Bombing Run objective card specifies that players place claimed objective tokens in base contact with unit leaders within their respective deployment zones. For a unit leader to be within a deployment zone, it must be entirely within its given range.


1 hour ago, Pinto397 said:

Oblong bases are allowed to deploy such that part of their base is outside the deployment zone.  Does that mean a bomb token cannot be assigned to an oblong based unit if part of the base is outside the deployment zone?

Correct. If a unit leader is not entirely within the deployment zone, it may not be given a claimed objective token during the Setup for the Bombing Run objective card.

Hope that helps,

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