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Hello there.

Do Overrun attacks need a line of sight from the overruning unit leader to any overruned mini to be performed?

And if so, is it after the move only, or can i overrun during the move that allow me to hide behind an obstacle? (assuming the maneuver tool is allways overlapping the target).

Linked question: if i see only X mini of the overruned unit, am i still limited to doing X wounds for this attack? do i check the number of minis before and/or after the overruning move?

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Hello there,

Overrun attacks, while not specifically ranged or melee attacks, are still attacks and follow the attack sequence. The first step of the attack sequence, Declare Defender, has the attacking player declare a defending unit, which must have at least one miniature in LOS to the attacking unit leader.


On 1/25/2024 at 12:59 PM, Carey said:

Do Overrun attacks need a line of sight from the overruning unit leader to any overruned mini to be performed?

Yes. The Declare Defender step of an attack requires the attacking unit leader have LOS to at least one miniature in the defending unit.

On 1/25/2024 at 12:59 PM, Carey said:

And if so, is it after the move only, or can i overrun during the move that allow me to hide behind an obstacle? (assuming the maneuver tool is allways overlapping the target).

An overrun attack is performed after a move is completed. It is at this point you will declare a defender and perform the rest of the attack sequence. If the attacking unit has LOS to no enemy units it or its movement tool overlapped, it may not perform an overrun attack.

On 1/25/2024 at 12:59 PM, Carey said:

Linked question: if i see only X mini of the overruned unit, am i still limited to doing X wounds for this attack? do i check the number of minis before and/or after the overruning move?

No. When a unit suffers wounds from a ranged attack, if the attacker has LOS to only some of the miniatures in the defending unit, the defending unit cannot suffer wounds greater than the total wound threshold of miniatures that are in LOS.

Hope this helps,

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