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Hello there.

Seeking a little clarification with overrun and compulsory moves.

We know ovverun can trigger off a compulsory move, but does that only apply if the compulsory is done as the first action? 

As it was just pointed out to me the options were “at the start of the perform actions step” or “at the end of the perform actions step”. And the question was asked if the compulsory is at the “end of the perform actions step” is that not the end of it’s activation and you can’t take a further overrun action?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi there,

A unit with the Speeder X keyword will perform a compulsory move at the start or end of its Perform Actions step. This move is a (standard) compulsory move, and so will qualify for a wide variety of game effects that may be performed while moving or after a move, including an overrun attack.


On 1/30/2024 at 2:07 PM, Mykaeus said:

We know ovverun can trigger off a compulsory move, but does that only apply if the compulsory is done as the first action? 

No; you may perform an overrun attack following a compulsory move made at the end of the Perform Actions step as well.

On 1/30/2024 at 2:07 PM, Mykaeus said:

And the question was asked if the compulsory is at the “end of the perform actions step” is that not the end of it’s activation and you can’t take a further overrun action?

While not critical to answering the above question, note that an overrun attack is not an attack action, and so can be performed by a unit even if they're at the end of their Perform Actions step, and even if they perform an attack action during their activation.

Hope this helps,

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