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Star Wars Armada: Rules Reference Corrections and Useful Links

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This thread contains official corrections to the current version of the Star Wars: Armada Rules Reference. These corrections supersede the authority of the Rules Reference. These corrections will be deleted whenever the Rule Reference is updated. 

The Rules Reference can be found at https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/star-wars-armada/ under the Support - Rules section at the bottom of the page.
Star Wars: Armada Rules Reference - Version 1.5.0 - Dated 12/11/2020

Here are direct links to other commonly used documents (with the date of their most recent update):
Star Wars: Armada Sector Fleet Rules - Dated 2/5/2019
Star Wars: Armada Tournament Regulations - Version 4.0 - Dated 3/23/2022
Star Wars: Armada Errata Reference - Version 5.2 - Dated 3/23/2022
Star Wars: Armada 
Fundamental Event Document - Version 2.1 - Dated 7/25/2019
Star Wars: Armada Games Floor Rules - Dated 7/25/2019
Star Wars: Armada Score Sheet and Fleet List - Dated 2015

Rapid Reinforcements I - 4/7/22

This print and play document introduces several new ship and squadron cards for each faction. These cards are tournament legal, but must use the appropriate ship and squadron cardboard tokens.
For Squadron cardboard tokens, indicate it's unique with a token marker. For ship cardboard tokens, clearly state to your opponent what faction you are playing.

You can find and download this document by clicking here.

Ministravaganza event documents
Hunting Season Event - September 9th -11th 2021
You can find and download this events rules and perks by clicking here.

Unconventional Warfare Event - March 20th 2021
You can find and download this events rules and perks by clicking here.


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  • DSchultz changed the title to Star Wars Armada: Rules Reference Corrections and Useful Links

Rules Reference Correction: In the “Attack” topic, subtopic “3. Resolve Attack Effects:” the following bullet point should be considered removed:
 Spend Accuracy (Accuracy Icon) Icons: The attacker can spend one or more of its Accuracy icons to choose the same number of the defender’s defense tokens. The chosen tokens cannot be spent during this attack.

In its place the following bullet point should be considered added:
◊ Spend Accuracy (Accuracy Icon) Icons: The attacker can spend one or more of its Accuracy icons to choose the same number of the defender’s defense tokens. The chosen tokens cannot be spent during this attack.  
Accuracy icons can be spent at any time during the Resolve Attack Effects step unless otherwise prevented.

This gives players clear direction that die with an Accuracy Icon can be spent during the "Resolve Attack Effects" step at any time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rules Reference Correction: In the "Defense Tokens" topic, subtopic "Salvo": the following bullet point should be considered removed:
◊ During a salvo attack, the attack range and line-of-sight are treated as the same as those of the original attack, and firing arcs are ignored.

In its place the following bullet point should be considered added:
◊ During a salvo attack, the previously defending hull zone is now the attacking hull zone for this attack. Treat this attack as a new attack for the purpose of resolving card effects. This attack is a legal attack using the same measurements for attack range and line-of-sight as the originating attack.

This gives players clear direction on where a Salvo attack originates from and how to resolve that attack.

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Rules Reference Correction: In the "Effects Use and Timing" topic: the following bullet point should be considered removed:
• Resolving an upgrade card effect is optional unless otherwise specified. All other card effects are mandatory unless otherwise specified.

In its place the following bullet points should be considered added:
Card effects are mandatory unless otherwise specified as optional or limited to a set number of uses within a specified timing.
Upgrade cards that utilize critical effects are always optional, as specified in "Attack" and "Effects Use and Timing" topics. 

This gives players clearer direction on this topic.

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Rules Reference Correction: In the "Modifying Dice" topic: the following bullet points should be considered added:

• Replace: When a die is replaced by another die, the first die is removed from the attack pool and the second die takes its place as indicated by the effect.
• Exchange: When a die is exchanged for another die, the first die is removed from the attack pool and the second die takes its place as indicated by the effect.
• Set: When a die is set, place it in the attack pool, with the relevant result face-up, as indicated by the effect.
• Remove: When a die is removed, it is removed from the attack pool.

To look like the following,

Modifying Dice
Dice can be modified in the following ways by game effects:

• Reroll: When a die is rerolled, the attacker picks it up and rolls it again. A die can be rerolled multiple times.

• Add: When a die is added, roll an unused die of the appropriate color into the attack pool.

◊ The range restriction on dice color applies only when dice are gathered during the “Roll Attack Dice” step of an attack.

• Change: When a die is changed, rotate it to display the indicated face.

• Spend: When a die or die icon is spent, remove that die from the attack pool.

• Cancel: When a die or die icon is canceled, remove it from the attack pool.
• Replace: When a die is replaced by another die, the first die is removed from the attack pool and the second die takes its place as indicated by the effect.
• Exchange: When a die is exchanged for another die, the first die is removed from the attack pool and the second die takes its place as indicated by the effect.
• Set: When a die is set, place it in the attack pool, with the relevant result face-up, as indicated by the effect.
• Remove: When a die is removed, it is removed from the attack pool.

This defines wording specified by several upgrade cards that affect dice.

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Rules Reference Correction: In the "Line of Sight" topic: the following bullet point should be considered removed:
"If line of sight is traced through the attacking or defending hull zone’s shield dial and that dial is also overlapping an obstacle, that attack is treated as obstructed."

See this post for additional information.


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Rules Reference Correction:  FAQ Page 32 "Defense Tokens"

Q: Can a ship spend a defense token even if it would have no effect?

The following answer should be considered removed:
A: Yes. For example, a ship can spend a Redirect token and choose an adjacent hull zone with no shields remaining.

In its place the following answer should be considered added:
A: Yes.
 A defense token that is spent resolves its effect in the appropriate timing window regardless of the result of the effect.

This change was to clarify the previous answer given.

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Rules Reference Correction: In the "Raid" topic: the following bullet points should be considered added:
◊ A ship cannot discard a dial it gains from an effect to discard all raid tokens.
• Raid tokens can only be assigned to a ship with a size class.

To look like the following,

Some effects refer to raid tokens. While a ship has a raid token, it cannot resolve the command matching that raid token. 
• When a ship with a raid token reveals a command dial, it may discard that dial to discard all of its raid tokens, or it may discard a command token to discard a matching raid token.

◊ A ship cannot discard a dial it gains from an effect to discard all raid tokens.
• A ship cannot have more than one raid token of each type.
• Raid tokens can only be assigned to a ship with a size class.

This was to help clear up confusion on some Raid interactions.

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Rules Reference Correction: In the "SET ASIDE SHIPS AND SQUADRONS" topic:

New changes for this topic in blue.

To look like the following,

Some effects refer to ships or squadrons being set aside, typically before the “Deploy Ships” step of setup. The player controlling the set-aside ship or squadron places it outside the play area near its ship or squadron card along its player’s edge. These effects specify when those ships or squadrons can be deployed later in the game.
• A ship or squadron that is set aside is not in play and can only be deployed or affected by the effect that set them aside.
◊ When a squadron that was set aside is deployed, set its activation slider to display the same color as the initiative token.
• A set-aside ship or squadron can only be assigned objective tokens or chosen as an objective ship if that effect is resolved before the effect that sets that ship or squadron aside.
• If a player has set-aside ships or squadrons remaining but all of that player’s ships in the play area are destroyed, the game immediately ends.
• If a player has set-aside ships or squadrons remaining but the game goes to time, or the end of the sixth round their ships and squadrons that are set aside are destroyed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Rules Reference Correction: In the "ATTACK" topic:

The following bullet point should be considered removed:


• A ship can perform two attacks during its activation, but it cannot attack from the same hull zone more than once per activation.

In its place the following bullet point should be considered added, change in blue:


• A ship can perform two attacks during its activation. Each of these attacks must be declared from a different hull zone.
◊ If an attack is canceled after the "Declare Target" step of that attack, the attack ends and you cannot declare a new target for the attack, unless otherwise specified.

This change was to address unintended interactions when declaring and resolving attacks.

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Rules Reference Correction:  in the "HUGE SHIP" topic

The following bullet point should be considered removed:


• Attack: A huge ship can perform up to three attacks during its activation (instead of up to two). It cannot attack from the same hull zone more than once per activation.

In its place the following bullet point should be considered added, change in blue:


• Attack: A huge ship can perform up to three attacks during its activation (instead of up to two). Each of these attacks must be declared from a different hull zone.

This change was to address unintended interactions when declaring and resolving attacks.

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  • 3 months later...

Rules Reference Correction:  in the "Obstacles" topic

The following bullet point should be considered removed:


◊ Placing Exogorths: An exogorth obstacle is placed touching another obstacle. When an exogorth is placed, it cannot overlap ships, other obstacles, or tokens in the play area. If an exogorth overlaps squadrons when it is placed, move any overlapped squadrons out of the way and place that exogorth. Then the player who did not place that exogorth places the overlapped squadrons, regardless of who owns them, in any position around that exogorth so that they touch it. They can place those squadrons in any order but cannot place them outside the play area.

  •  A squadron that cannot be placed touching the exogorth must be placed touching another squadron that is touching the exogorth.

In its place the following bullet point should be considered added, changes in blue:



◊ Placing Exogorths: An exogorth obstacle is placed touching another non-exogorth obstacle that is not touching another exogorth obstacle. When an exogorth is placed, it cannot overlap ships, other obstacles, or tokens in the play area. If an exogorth overlaps squadrons when it is placed, move any overlapped squadrons out of the way and place that exogorth. Then the player who did not place that exogorth places the overlapped squadrons, regardless of who owns them, in any position around that exogorth so that they touch it. They can place those squadrons in any order but cannot place them outside the play area.

  •  A squadron that cannot be placed touching the exogorth must be placed touching another squadron that is touching the exogorth.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Card Clarification Correction:  Upgrade Card "Yavaris"

The following answer should be considered removed:


A squadron activated by Yavaris that adds a die while attacking cannot resolve another effect to move during Yavaris’ activation.

In its place the following answer should be considered added:


A squadron that has moved or been moved by another effect, during Yavaris's activation, cannot choose to resolve Yavaris' ability. After a squadron has resolved Yavaris' ability, it cannot move or be moved by another effect for the rest of Yavaris's activation. Note that any effect that "places" a squadron is not a move.

This correction was to clear up confusion regarding to if a squadron could move at any point during Yavaris activation and still be able to use Yavaris's ability.

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Rules Reference Correction: In the "Defense Tokens" topic, subtopic "Salvo": The following should be considered removed:


Salvo: If the defender is a ship, it performs a salvo attack after the “Resolve Damage” step of this attack. If the attacker was a ship, the defender performs a salvo attack against the attacking hull zone using the defender’s printed rear battery armament. If the attacker was a squadron, the defender performs a salvo attack against the attacker using its printed anti-squadron armament.

In its place the following should be considered added, changes in blue:


Salvo: If the defender is a ship, it performs a salvo attack after the “Resolve Damage” step of this attack. If the attacker was a ship, the defender performs a salvo attack against the attacking hull zone using the defender’s printed rear battery armament. If the attacker was a squadron, the defender performs a salvo attack against the attacker using its printed anti-squadron armament. While performing a Salvo attack, skip the Declare Additional Squadron Target step.

This was to clear up confusion in regards to Salvo attacks and following the steps of an attack.

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