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If Modok targets a character within 2 of She-Hulk and She hulk uses legal defence. So She Hulk is now the target and takes the hit. Now when that attack is done and She-Hulk took damage does She-Hulk get to move S now before the trigger of the free Doomsday Chair (I believe so as it says once this attack is resolved.)
Now, if this is the case and She-Hulk moves S and is no longer within 2 of any allied characters anymore does that mean the second attack doesn’t trigger, or does it still happen as before the S move by She-Hulk there was a character within 2.



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3 hours ago, Veitah said:

If Modok targets a character within 2 of She-Hulk and She hulk uses legal defence. So She Hulk is now the target and takes the hit. Now when that attack is done and She-Hulk took damage does She-Hulk get to move S now before the trigger of the free Doomsday Chair (I believe so as it says once this attack is resolved.)

No. Step 14 of the attack sequence in Appendix A shows that attackers resolve these effects first. 

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