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Rex's I'm always first, kid if no attack is resolved

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Rex's I'm always first, kid reads:


If this Unit is not Wounded, after an allied Clone Trooper Supporting Unit within 3 of this Unit makes a combat action, this Unit may use this ability. One character in this Unit may . If it does, it may make a 5 dice  or  attack targeting one of the same enemy characters within and LOS.

Could a Clone Trooper Supporting Unit within R3 of Rex make a combat action with no eligible targets in order to trigger this ability?

For example, an ARF Trooper with one character within R3 of Rex makes a combat action. Each character in the ARF trooper unit declares a melee attack, but the attack fails when checking for eligible targets because no enemy units are Engaged with either character. Could Rex then spend 1 FP to dash?

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On 2/27/2024 at 1:39 PM, MattIsTyping said:

Could a Clone Trooper Supporting Unit within R3 of Rex make a combat action with no eligible targets in order to trigger this ability?


On 2/27/2024 at 1:39 PM, MattIsTyping said:

For example, an ARF Trooper with one character within R3 of Rex makes a combat action. Each character in the ARF trooper unit declares a melee attack, but the attack fails when checking for eligible targets because no enemy units are Engaged with either character. Could Rex then spend 1 FP to dash?

Almost. They don't have to try to make an attack, the Unit can declare a combat action and then have the individual characters choose to not perform an attack.

In terms of trying to declare the specific attack types, you need an enemy character in the appropriate Range/Engagement to do that.

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