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Timing check on Psionic constructs & Cerebro

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Hi Just want to check the timing of certain effects played together.


in a round where Jean grey has played Cerebro, if she where to make a Telekinetic force attack at at a target that is beyond range three but within range four are the below steps correct.

Ordinarily it would be

step 1 choose the attack, pay the price

Step 2 choose a target  - measure range

does the Psionic constructs card get played in this step 2 window, allowing Telekinetic force to be a mystic type not a physical type before range is measured and thus being range four due to the range buff of cerebro?


thanks in advance

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/28/2024 at 2:36 AM, ElladanAnardil said:

in a round where Jean grey has played Cerebro, if she where to make a Telekinetic force attack at at a target that is beyond range three but within range four are the below steps correct.

This would not be possible, since the target is out of Range of that attack. You have to have range before you are able to start the attack.

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