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In prep for an upcoming casual event (Adepticon league), I've been going through the Core Rules with a fine tooth comb. I really don't want to make a mistake and cheat my opponents. That's just the worst feeling.

I was reading the Attack Example on page 33 of the Feb '24 rules, and saw that the attacker was putting Direct effects on the defender as the Options were selected, in order. I then remembered that the rules on page 14, under Expertise, say "All effects that are not adding dice results, modifying dice results, adding damage, or adding or negating effects of the attack are applied after the attack is resolved."

It seems to be making a distinction between when to apply effects like Shoves, Disarms, etc. from Options as opposed to Expertise.

So, do we hold off on Shoves, etc. from Expertise until after the attack is resolved (steps 10A and 10B), but apply them immediately within the Options as they are a selected (Step 8)?

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On 3/13/2024 at 1:49 PM, Sleboda said:

So, do we hold off on Shoves, etc. from Expertise until after the attack is resolved (steps 10A and 10B), but apply them immediately within the Options as they are a selected (Step 8)?


Combat tree direct and personal effects resolve in Step 8, during each option choice, except for active ability, which occurs in 10c

Attack expertise directed(other than damage) and personal effects resolve in 10a
Defender expertise directed and personal effects in 10b


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