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Can both an Innate Ability and Reactive Ability trigger from the same Combat Action? 

For Example: A B2 makes a Combat Action on a Target in Range 4 of both B1s. After the Combat Action can both Combat A.I. Protocols and No One Gets Between Me And My Job trigger?


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13 hours ago, dustandechos said:

Can both an Innate Ability and Reactive Ability trigger from the same Combat Action? 

Yes. There is no limit tied to how many Innate abilities can be used and there is only one Reactive ability being used here. 

13 hours ago, dustandechos said:

For Example: A B2 makes a Combat Action on a Target in Range 4 of both B1s. After the Combat Action can both Combat A.I. Protocols and No One Gets Between Me And My Job trigger?

Yes. This works for the reasons given above. 

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