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Wicket, Intrepid Warriors has no Supporting Unit within Range 3.

Can he still use Lead the Charge?

For reference, the rule states 

"... choose an enemy unit in LOS and an allied Ewok Supporting Unit within R3..."

You then get to do stuff, but the specifics don't matter here.

It looks like the ability requires the player to choose both of two things because of the plain language meaning of "and." You must choose this and that.

It doesn't say, for example "Choose an enemy and, if possible, an Ewok Supporting Unit" or "Choose an enemy and, optionally, an Ewok Supporting Unit."

If you cannot do both (choose this "and" that) you cannot satisfy the rule's initial requirement, which means you cannot execute the rest of the rule. Correct?

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On 5/15/2024 at 11:43 AM, Sleboda said:

Wicket, Intrepid Warriors has no Supporting Unit within Range 3.

Can he still use Lead the Charge?


On 5/15/2024 at 11:43 AM, Sleboda said:

If you cannot do both (choose this "and" that) you cannot satisfy the rule's initial requirement, which means you cannot execute the rest of the rule. Correct?

The second sentence would have to have language that is somehow dependent on the selection of the allied Ewok Supporting unit occurring.

The only requirement between the two sentences is that you were able to select an enemy character in LOS.

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