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I know from previous rulings that when an ability says "this" character, it means the character whose card has the ability. 

I can't see a general overall rule about "other" character.

Hondo's ability "Fair? What's Fair?" says "... if the defender is Engaged with one or more characters in other allied units ..."

Is "other" in this case in reference to "other than Hondo" or "other than the character with whom the defender is Engaged?"

To put it more broadly, if the word "other" appears in abilities like this, is it treated like "this" is treated, meaning it is always self-referential to the character whose card has the ability printed on it?

I know that "this" and "other" are different words, but both are used in ability text and both reference a character (this one, or the other one), so it feels like consistency would indicate "other" means "a character other than the one where this ability is printed on its card" just as "this" means "the character where this ability is printed on its card."

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4 hours ago, Sleboda said:

I can't see a general overall rule about "other" character

There isn’t as straightforward an answer for that word. It’s contextual to its use in the rule.

4 hours ago, Sleboda said:

Is "other" in this case in reference to "other than Hondo" or "other than the character with whom the defender is Engaged?"

This rule’s other is referring to characters in allied units other than the unit the character making the attack is in.

I.e. If Gwarm makes an attack as part of a combat action, the defender must be engaged with allied characters in units other than Gwarms unit.

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