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Thermal Shields and Concentrate Fire dial interaction.

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My opponent has Thermal Shields and I'm attacking at close range with a Venator II and a Con Fire dial. After I gather dice the opponent removes 2 black dice and one blue die with Thermals. Can I use the dial to roll a black die after rolling the 1 blue and 2 red dice since that black die was part of the initial pool before being removed by Thermals or am I limited to only rolling the dice previously rolled?

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Here's a simple example. The initial attack pool is 2 black, 2 blue and 2 red after gathering dice, Thermal Shields removes 1 blue and 2 black dice. Can Concentrate Fire allow you to add a black die at the appropriate time or are you limited to the color of the dice remaining after Thermals remove the black dice from the initial attack pool?

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You can only add die for the current color of die in your attack pool. As there are no black die in your attack pool when you reach the "Resolve Attack Effects" step unless you use have another effect that can add black die to the current attack pool.

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