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Per the online rulebook (9/11/20) pg 19 it says characters must be in LOS to target with an attack. Pg 22 Line of Sight 2nd paragraph says to add the size of the character and terrain together to determine LOS. So say Green Goblin (size 3) is on top of a size 3 terrain that would count as size 6. Would that then mean that unless someone is on the same terrain with him they cannot attack him due to not being able to draw LOS through terrain larger then their character? 

Edited by Artean
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They would have line of sight in this case. Green Goblin becomes size 6 standing on a size 3 piece of terrain. Note: Green Goblin becomes size 6 only for the determination of line of sight. He is still size 3 for all other rules.

Because the terrain he is standing on is smaller than him, your model will be able to see him.

In this case, you would need a piece of terrain size 7 or greater between your character and Green Goblin in order to block LOS.

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