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Raid Token Clearance Timing Window

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Can I discard more than one command token to clear a matching raid token during a single Reveal Command Dial step?

The RRG seems to indicate that I can only do this once per round, but I'm not sure I'm reading it correctly, or if that's the intent.


> When a ship with a raid token reveals a command dial, it may discard that dial to discard all of its raid tokens, or it may discard a command token to discard a matching raid token.

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Thank you for the question.


Can I discard more than one command token to clear a matching raid token during a single Reveal Command Dial step?


To elaborate,
You can only discard raid tokens in one of two ways in the "Reveal Command Dial" step.
1. "it may discard that dial to discard all raid its raid tokens".

Meaning you discard that ships revealed command dial to discard all raid tokens


2. "discard a command token to discard a matching raid token.".
Meaning you can only discard a single command token to discard its matching raid token if you choose to resolve removing raid in that fashion.

Otherwise it would state that you could discard multiple command tokens to discard multiple raid tokens.

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