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Scoring True Power crisis from infinity war kit

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My local group finally got hold of the infinity war kit and a question came up over the true power crisis. Specifically about the interpretation of how to score.

The crisis card states gain 2 VPs for each character holding a power gem contesting an amplifier. The situation was that I had two characters holding power gem shards both standing within 1 of the same power amplifier. The question that came up is, in this scenario, would I score 4 VPs because I have 2 characters with a gem on the amplifier, or do I score 2 VPs because they are both contesting the same amplifier?

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You score 2 VPs per allied character if the character is both holding a power shard and contesting an amplifier.

3 hours ago, Aim2Misbehave78 said:

The question that came up is, in this scenario, would I score 4 VPs because I have 2 characters with a gem on the amplifier, or do I score 2 VPs because they are both contesting the same amplifier?

4 VPs


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Sorry Thoras, But I am in strong disagreement here.

Based on the straight wording, 2VP for each amplifier, no matter how many characters there are. Multiple characters with shards will only result in additional damage being dealt.

The key phrase I am relying on is 'an amplifier' which indicates that you may only score once per amplifier. So, if you have 2 of your characters with shards, then you need to get the other across the board in order to score the additional points.

There is a valid interpretation for this crisis to be scored a 2VP per shard at the same amplifier, or 4VP, but I am of the opinion that this requires as much flexibility in interpretation as the other interpretation.

Based on what I have seen on a game balance state, there is a desire to not have extremely easy and extremely rapid scoring in M:CP, and this is far too easy if you are allowed to score 4VP per amplifier.

This crisis has already proven to be extremely poorly worded, given that the card does not actually describe a way to interact with the shard, and required the developers to intervene on the forum to provide clarification.

I feel that clarification of VP scoring is also required.

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On 6/30/2022 at 4:41 PM, Mahoney said:

Based on the straight wording, 2VP for each amplifier, no matter how many characters there are. Multiple characters with shards will only result in additional damage being dealt

The key phrase I am relying on is 'an amplifier' which indicates that you may only score once per amplifier. So, if you have 2 of your characters with shards, then you need to get the other across the board in order to score the additional points.

The wording for that Crisis is "Players score 2 VPs for each allied character that is holding a Power Shard while contesting an Amplifier during the Cleanup Phase"

The wording here ties the VP generation to the number of characters that satisfy certain conditions, not the amplifiers. The references to holding a Power Shard or contesting an Amplifier are conditionals placed on the main subject, the characters.

The "Holding a power shard" condition is pretty straight forward...is the character holding a power shard?

As you mentioned, there was a clarification that the crisis should include an Interact Clause allowing you to pick them up (https://forums.atomicmassgames.com/topic/2172-true-power-how-to-pick-up-the-power-shard-asset/#comment-10349)

The "contesting an amplifier" condition, you mention that you believe "an amplifier" excludes multiple characters from scoring off of the same amplifier. This is not accurate though, nothing here limits multiple characters from scoring off a single amplifier. "An amplifier" is just identifying the type of objective token that must be contested, it doesn't suggest or place any limits on which amplifier.

Also, nothing in the core rules prevents multiple characters from contesting an objective token. One character contesting something does not exclude another character from also contesting it. Contesting an objective token is when a character is within range 1 of that objective token - there are no other conditions on it.

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