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Stop Maneuvers and Range Zero

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Two questions demonstrated by a scenario. A ship's maneuver would cause it to overlap a U-Wing at the front of the base. After resolving the "bump," and placing the ships at range zero of each other, the U-Wing executes a Stop 🛑 maneuver. Are the ships still at range zero of each other? 

Did the U-Wing overlap the enemy ship by stopping, thus limiting it's action to a red focus?


Does using the configuration to rotate make a difference?

Edited by MalacorV
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No. The red Focus / Calculate only comes into play if a ship overlaps and enemy ship while executing a maneuver.

As a ship that executes a 'Stationary' maneuver does not overlap any ships, the ship that executes a stop maneuver after an enemy ship has overlapped it would not be able to perform the red Focus / Calculate, but would be able to perform a range 0 attack.

A ship that unsuccessfully attempts to rotate would not be able to perform the red focus / calculate as rotating is not a maneuver.

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