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Malekith modeling options and competitive advantage

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Based on ruling around Malekith model fitting around terrain and other models:

Can I choose to convert my Malekith to not have wings or have them be removable so he can fit better during play?

Can I remove the tiger completely and just have the guy standing on the rock?

Can I use an official AMG 65mm base as a stand in for Malekith in places where many models and tokens need to be placed and moved in a tight location? (Such as the research station extract crisis)

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I would like to follow-up this answer 

I'm seeing a lot of noise online about whether or not you can remove the wing from Malekith and still play it in a competitive event. Someone in a competitive mindset could want to prevent problematic scenario like in the answer I linked despite the model looking awesome with his wings.
I have read both official tournament document along with the model modification guidelines and it's still fuzy to me. We can't modify a model in a way that it affect gameplay. Is it the case here ? Is the intended gameplay for Malekith to not fit in a crowd of models or terrain ?
If the answer is yes, it brings up many weird edgecase scenarios like:
-What happens when he is back to a big terrain in such a way he can't be rotated and another character is thrown at him and would hit the wings before the base, does that count as a collision?



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Players can modify their miniatures per the rules laid out in the various organized play documents. In the end, it comes down to the EO to enforce those rules.


1 hour ago, Gotchacoverd said:

Can I use an official AMG 65mm base as a stand in for Malekith in places where many models and tokens need to be placed and moved in a tight location? (Such as the research station extract crisis)

No, the rules do not allow for this.

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