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Patch up use

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I'll be a little confuse with patch up : what's the right use of it:

Case 1 :

I have a charatcter A that is active, He is in 2 of an inactive allied character B. A use patch up, B pay the cost to heal A, is it a legal use?


Case 2 :

Character A is the active character, he use patch up (assuming A is in 2 of  B) and choose charcater B  that is a non active allied character, A pay the cost to heal B, is it legal too?


Case 3 :

A is not in 2 of B, A use patch up, Allied character C that is in 2 of B can pay to heal B or not?


Thanks in advance for clarification

Edited by Fred
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On 12/1/2022 at 3:59 PM, Fred said:

I have a charatcter A that is active, He is in 2 of an inactive allied character B. A use patch up, B pay the cost to heal A, is it a legal use?

Whoever is paying the cost is playing the card, so B would be using patchup and paying the cost to remove damage from A.

On 12/1/2022 at 3:59 PM, Fred said:

Character A is the active character, he use patch up (assuming A is in 2 of  B) and choose charcater B  that is a non active allied character, A pay the cost to heal B, is it legal too?


On 12/1/2022 at 3:59 PM, Fred said:

Case 3 :

A is not in 2 of B, A use patch up, Allied character C that is in 2 of B can pay to heal B or not?

A is irrelevant to this scenario even if A is still the active character. C can use/play the card and pay the cost to heal B even during A's activation.

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