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Pyro Fire Manipulation timing

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When does Pyro's Fire Manipulation ability check to see if the target is incinerated? 

Which of these reordering of the phrasing of the ability is correct:

1. When this character targets an enemy character who is incinerated with an attack [...]

2. After an attack on an enemy character with incinerate is resolved [...]


More specifically - if Pyro targets a character who isn't incinerated at the beginning of the attack, but either gets the wild incinerate trigger or uses Inferno, can he then order his "after the attack is resolved" triggers so that fire manipulation now "sees" the character as having incinerate and can therefore give another enemy character within range 2 incinerate?


Thank you in advance.

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1 hour ago, Chocobsessed said:

When does Pyro's Fire Manipulation ability check to see if the target is incinerated? 

When resolving the rule, which occurs in step 14a

1 hour ago, Chocobsessed said:

More specifically - if Pyro targets a character who isn't incinerated at the beginning of the attack, but either gets the wild incinerate trigger or uses Inferno, can he then order his "after the attack is resolved" triggers so that fire manipulation now "sees" the character as having incinerate and can therefore give another enemy character within range 2 incinerate?


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