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Collision when thrown model cannot be placed in contact with the 2nd character

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Hi there, had an interesting interaction where Venom wanted to use Klyntar rage to throw an enemy Honey Badger standing R2 in front of Venom into an enemy X-23 who was positioned behind Venom touching his base. 
What happens in this instance? Do you measure distance from Honey Badger and if the M template reaches X-23 then both enemy models suffer a collision but Honey Badger is placed at the last allowable position e.g. in base contact in front of Venom? Or does the collision not occur since Honey Badger cannot be placed in contact with X-23?


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51 minutes ago, Doyoulike2party said:

Do you measure distance from Honey Badger and if the M template reaches X-23 then both enemy models suffer a collision but Honey Badger is placed at the last allowable position e.g. in base contact in front of Venom?

This is correct. The collision happens and Honey Badger ends up in the last place her base will fit. 

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