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  1. If the defender of a ranged attack has both deflect and uncanny luck, does the attacker still take a wound for surges that are rerolled into blocks or blanks? Suppose Lando is shot at during his All In turn, and Grogu uses The Hand Thing on him. If Lando gambles, rolls only surges for defense and rerolls those surges looking for the needed block, does the attacker still take wounds for those surges since they were "rolled by the defender during the Roll Defense Dice step"? In the extreme example, Lando has Deflect and All In and must roll 2 defense dice after dodges. He gambles and rolls two surges. He rerolls both into another two surges. Since he rolled no blocks, his opponent removes those two surges and Lando takes two wounds. How many wounds does the attacker take?
  2. If a unit with an overrun attack moves, does the opposing player have a chance to use a standby between the move and overrun attack? (Assuming that the unit with the standby wasn't just displaced and given suppression by the move).
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