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Armada Playtesters
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Posts posted by DSchultz

  1. Question: What happens if DBS-404 is on 1 hull left, and uses its card effect which reduces its hull to 0, Is it destroyed and would the attack end?

    Answer: Yes. As soon as DBS-404 has been reduced to 0 hull points, it is immediately destroyed, and the attack ends without resolving. However, if it is performing a "Counter" attack, the attack will resolve completely.

  2. Question: For DBS-404s effect, do a ships shield dials count as "touching"?

    Answer: Yes, "touching" is when
    DBS-404 squadron base is in physical contact with another squadron base or ship base, this includes a ships shield dials for this instance.
    It is recommended that you are declaring your intent about what is being “touched” or not “touched” with your opponent to ensure as little confusion as possible.

  3. Rules Reference Correction: In the “Attack” topic, subtopic “3. Resolve Attack Effects:” the following bullet point should be considered removed:
     Spend Accuracy (Accuracy Icon) Icons: The attacker can spend one or more of its Accuracy icons to choose the same number of the defender’s defense tokens. The chosen tokens cannot be spent during this attack.

    In its place the following bullet point should be considered added:
    ◊ Spend Accuracy (Accuracy Icon) Icons: The attacker can spend one or more of its Accuracy icons to choose the same number of the defender’s defense tokens. The chosen tokens cannot be spent during this attack.  
    Accuracy icons can be spent at any time during the Resolve Attack Effects step unless otherwise prevented.

    This gives players clear direction that die with an Accuracy Icon can be spent during the "Resolve Attack Effects" step at any time.

  4. This thread contains official errata to existing Star Wars: Armada cards that have not yet been added to the Rules Reference.

    These corrections replace the text of the existing card and are considered accurate, and overrides all other printings and will be deleted whenever the Rule Reference is updated.

    The Errata Reference document can be found at the following link - https://www.atomicmassgames.com/star-wars-armada

    There are known printing errors for several upgrade cards in the Upgrade Card Collection.
    These errors do not constitute as being errata unless they are listed within the Errata Reference document. Please refer to the cards text found in its appropriate expansion.

    Known printing errors have been found in the following cards.
    Sunder (Title)
    Shriv Surgaav (Boarding Team)

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