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Posts posted by DSchultz

  1. Hello!

    I am uncertain what you mean by "already being discarded".

    From what I can understand, you are asking if an exhausted Evade token can be "spent" and then also "discarded" for being able to effect an additional die. If you read the topic on "Defense Tokens" you will find that it states that yes, you can "spend" and then also "discard" either a readied or exhausted Evade token to affect an additional die if the attacking ship is of a larger size class.


  2. Hello! Thank you for your question.

    Lets see, let me include this for reference.


    General Romodi
    "While a friendly ship is attacking a ship, if the attack is obstructed by a ship or obstacle, the attacker does not remove a die (even if the attack is also obstructed by a card effect), and may add 1 red die to the attack pool."

    I've bolded the relevant part of General Romodi. So to answer your question, 
    "Does Romodi prevent from removing a die if the attack on the objective token is obstructed?"

    No, General Romodi would not prevent the removal of a die due to obstruction as this is not an attack against a ship.

  3. Hello and thank you for your question.


    Yes, you must keep the shield dials on the ship base during play as they're considered part of the ship base when overlapping. See "Overlapping" topic for additional details.

    You may only remove Shield dials in certain instances such as checking for obstruction due to an obstacle, but then should be reattached.

  4. Correct, you cannot resolve the same command twice, nor can you resolve two dials of the same command.
    Yes, you can choose to gain a command dial with Passel Argente that is the same as the ships revealed dial and then choose to token one of those command dials, to then resolve that command in its appropriate timing window as dial+token if you desire.


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