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Posts posted by Seth

  1. Hello,

    17 hours ago, kevinclow said:

    When count dooku using "you disappoint me" on a unit that has movement of 1 such as units holding a Hostage, Snowtroopers, etc.  Can you still make a speed 2 move?

    Yes. They will move at the specified speed; their printed speed value - increased or reduced as it may be - has no effect.

    17 hours ago, kevinclow said:

    Can count dooku able to use "you disappoint me" on a unit that can't be moved at all?  Such as fd turrets or units with any immobilized tokens that can't move.  Can you still make a speed 2 move?

    No. A unit with the Stationary keyword cannot perform moves of any kind. Neither may a unit with a max speed of zero and (e.g. due to) one or more immobilize tokens.

    17 hours ago, kevinclow said:

    Can count dooku able to use "you disappoint me" on a unit to make a climb?

    No. Abilities that provide moves provide standard moves, and this may not be replaced with a climb or other type of move.

    17 hours ago, kevinclow said:

    Can count dooku able to use keywords when making making a speed 2 unit that unit such as jump, spur etc

    Jump: No, as it may be used any time that unit makes a move action.

    Spur: Yes. The controlling player of the unit with the Spur keyword may elect for the unit to suffer a suppression and increase its maximum speed before it performs any type of move. However, as stated prior, the unit's speed does not affect the distance (speed-2) specified by You Disappoint Me, and so this is in essence only an opportunity for the unit to voluntarily suffer a suppression.

    Hope this helps,

  2. Hello,

    20 hours ago, Pinto397 said:

    Can a panicked commander use another commanders courage bubble.

    Yes. When a friendly unit (of any type!) checks to see if it is panicked, instead of using its own courage value, it may use the courage value of a friendly Commander unit at range 1–3.

    Hope this helps,

  3. Hello!

    On 8/11/2023 at 11:28 PM, FatalSwordsmen said:

    so, the question is in a situation where a field commander without a commander token is still alive, and there are no troopers on the field to promote (so you started with a commander and they and all other troopers were defeated). Can generic command cards be played. 

    In your given scenario, the player may still play command cards, nominating the Field Commander unit as eligible. This will be made more clear in a future update!


  4. Hello,

    Faction-specific command cards such as Sabotaged Communications do not specify that the player must nominate a particular commander. "Rebel only" (or another faction) on these cards refers to the instructions laid out in the Building a Command Hand section of the Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook; specifically:


    Occasionally, a Command Card requires a player to be fielding an army from a certain faction or Battle Force to be included in the command hand. These restrictions are printed on the Command Card.

    And so:

    17 hours ago, RulesLawyerLV said:

    Can a Mercenary commander that is included in a non-battle force army be nominated as the commander for faction-specific command cards? 

    Yes. Wicket may be the nominated commander if a Rebel command card such as Sabotaged Communications is played.

    Hope this helps,

  5. Hello,

    The Measurement section is referring to tools used for movement and range. It does not address the use of silhouettes as they are not used for these purposes.

    A miniature's silhouette may be determined from its base at any time, as following the instructions given under the Line of Sight entry in the Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook.

    Hope this helps,

  6. Hello,

    On 9/8/2023 at 7:12 AM, RC-D2 said:

    If Count Dooku is nominated as the commander, can he use battle Med on the order granted by the card text (issue and order to a droid trooper…)?

    No, as the Battle Meditation upgrade card may be used when you (in this case, Count Dooku) are issuing orders using a command card. Any bonus orders granted by the effects of the Mechanized Incursion command card are not issued by the nominated commander.

    Hope this helps,

  7. Hello,

    2 hours ago, Hawkeye_ said:

    Can I use treat to bring back a FX-9 or 2-1B med droid?

    Yes, the Treat keyword, among other game effects, may be used to restore an eligible miniature added by an Upgrade Card back to a unit, including the FX-9 Medical Droid and 2-1B Medical Droid miniatures. Note that that miniatures added with Upgrade Cards are the same unit type as the unit to which they are equipped - typically trooper.

    2 hours ago, Hawkeye_ said:

    And if so do any remaining charges remain available?

    The Upgrade Card in question is not tampered with in any way when the miniatured added by it is defeated or subsequently restored and returned to play. It will have as many wound tokens on its Upgrade Card, reflecting its "capacity," as it did when it was defeated.

    Hope this helps,

  8. Hello,

    47 minutes ago, yossarian said:

    Does scouting party work with advanced positions? Can I voluntarily not use scout 1 from AP in order to be eligible for scouting party?

    Yes, a unit with the Scouting Party keyword may use it during deployment, even when the Advanced Positions deployment is in play, assuming the targeted units have not already made a Scout move.

    In your example, Wicket may indeed use his Scouting Party: 2 Ewok Troopers keyword on eligible Ewok units who did not themselves perform a Scout move prior. A unit with Scout X is not required to make such a move upon being deployed.

    Hope this helps,

  9. Hello!

    21 hours ago, NathanDare said:

    Yoda’s two pip, there is no try, grants Yoda the RELENTLESS keyword for the round. Does relentless and Ataru mastery interact so that Yoda may move-relentless attack for his first action, then move-relentless attack for his second action within the same activation? 

    Yes. As Ataru Mastery allows Yoda to perform two attack actions, he may indeed combine this the Relentless keyword granted by the There Is No Try command card to make two free attack actions after two respective move actions.

    21 hours ago, NathanDare said:

    I also have the same question for the CHARGE keyword granted by Yoda’s one pip, size matters not. Can he move twice and trigger a free charge attack twice within the same activation? 

    Yes, for the same reason. Yoda may perform two attack actions, free or otherwise, due to his Ataru Mastery keyword.

    Hope this helps,

  10. Hello,

    8 hours ago, ASpaceViking said:

    If a storm trooper has 10 suppression when it activates, can it utilize ruthless to perform a free action and take a free recover since it is before its rally step? Or is the limitation of 'cannot perform free actions' persistently true, regardless of if the unit has hit its rally step or not?

    "If a unit begins its Perform Actions step while panicked, it cannot perform any actions or free actions and drops any claimed objective tokens it may have."

    As the Ruthless keyword is used when a unit activates (e.g. before its Rally step), it may perform a free action regardless of whether or not it is currently panicked.

    Hope this helps,

  11. Hello,

    A unit flipping its order token facedown to use its Fire Support keyword is not activating. If it has one or more wounds on an equipped copy of the Emergency Stims upgrade card, it will not suffer those wounds until the end of its next activation.

    13 minutes ago, Solus said:

    Furthermore if 2) is correct, a unit that has 2wound tokens on e stims and has not suffered them yet from Fire supporting, if they were "guidanced"to recover, would they then be able to take an additional 2 wounds on stims and suffer the total amount of wounds when they next activated? 

    Yes, if a unit has a readied copy of the Emergency Stims upgrade card, it may exhaust it to suffer additional wounds on it. The card does not have a maximum amount of wounds that may be on it at a time.

    Hope this helps,

  12. Hello,

    The Insatiable Curiosity upgrade card may not target a unique or limited upgrade card. Unique and limited cards, as so defined in the Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook, are those with one or more bullets in front of their name.

    If an upgrade card does not have one or more bullet preceding its name, it is not unique or limited, and can indeed be discarded using the Insatiable Curiosity upgrade card.

    28 minutes ago, Thodin said:

    Casian Andors upgrade
    A280-CFE Config

    Sabine Wren
    Electro Grappling Line
    Personal Combat Shield

    Cad Bane
    Electro Gauntlets

    None of your listed upgrades are unique or limited.

    29 minutes ago, Thodin said:

    now  ewoks can use  insatiable curiosity to remove the upgrade  and wound the operative. 

    Discarding an upgrade card does not cause wounds; refer to the Defeating Upgrade Card Miniatures and Discarding Upgrade Cards rules callout for more.

    Hope this helps,

  13. Hello,

    On 8/25/2023 at 7:40 AM, AlexGrace said:

    In Captain's Rex activation as a first action he perfomes a ranged attack with his gunslinger keyword. He may spend only 1 aim token from ARC-troopers for 1 of his attack pools during his activation or he may spend 1 aim token for each attack pool? 

    Clone Captain Rex may spend one shared token while performing each attack.

    Hope this helps,

  14. Hello,

    No, as a disembark move is not a standard move.

    From the Embark and Disembark entry: “…a unit that is being transported may perform a disembark move during a move action instead of making another movement.” This means that move action will not be a standard move or climb, which are the typical options when performing a move action.

    Hope this helps,

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