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Posts posted by Seth

  1. Hi there,


    What happens if a trooper unit is an inch from a height 2 obstacle and wants to move straight forward into base contact with the obstacle? Even the front half of speed-1 movement tool wouldn't fit between the trooper and the wall unless the trooper approached obliquely.

    As stated under Moving Through Terrain, "When placing the movement tool, it may not overlap an obstacle terrain feature that is taller than the moving miniature's silhouette," unless of course the unit has keywords or another game effect would allow it to do so. If a trooper unit wishes to approach an obstacle closely in front of it, it may be able to do so by placing the movement tool at an alternative angle, and touching one of the sides of the movement tool or otherwise "stopping short" at some point along the length of the movement tool.


    Same question for a swoop or speeder bike who has to perform a compulsory move facing directly at a height-2 building but is too close for half of the speed-3 movement tool to fit between the base and the height-2 obstacle. Would they move straight forward to contact the wall, or not move at all?

    Speeder X unit may move over or end its movement on terrain equal to or less than height X. If the terrain is taller than X, the unit will treat it as normal, and be prevented from placing its movement tool overlapping it, as described above.

    Hope this helps,

  2. Hi there,

    1 minute ago, SergeyStark said:

    So even when droids are comms jammed and within 3 of friendly commander, they are still not affected by AI keyword?

    Yes that is correct. If they do not have a faceup order token - due to any number of circumstances, but including a nearby enemy unit with the Comms Jammer Upgrade Card - they will not suffer the effects of the AI: Action keyword if they are at range 3 of a friendly Commander unit.

    Hope this helps,

  3. Hi there,

    Deploying from a unit with the Transport keyword is not a move action, and does not "use" one of the units' actions from their future activation. They will be deployed onto the table as instructed by the Transport Unit Keyword text during the Transport unit's activation, and they may perform their actions as normal on their following activation that round.


    16 hours ago, frNek said:

    Does a unit that is deployed from a transport start it's activation with it's first action being moved or does it just move and stay unactivated.

    They will be placed at a speed-1 move of the Transport unit and remain there "unactivated," and will have both their actions available to them during their unit activation, if otherwise eligible (i.e. they are not suppressed, or otherwise). They will probably have a face-up order token, issued by the Transport unit during round 1!

    Hope this helps,

  4. Hi there,

    There are several game effects that allow a unit to deploy. The most common such method, given in the Deploying Units call-out box, describes how to proceed when an undeployed unit performs a move, the most common moves being performed as part of a move action. Other game effects that deploy units do not require an action, unless specified.

    Note, "When an undeployed unit activates, it must deploy and may not perform any action that is not a move until it deploys." If a unit is deployed prior to its Perform Actions step, such as by using the Infiltrate keyword at the start of its activation, it will not be limited by this restriction and may perform any first action of its choice!


    18 hours ago, Biobuster said:

    will the infiltrating unit have both actions after this deployment?

    Yes they will.

    Hope this helps,

  5. Hi there,

    Refer to Undeployed Units call-out box: "An undeployed unit is within any distance and in LOS of each friendly undeployed unit...". A unit with Entourage: Unit Name may therefore be considered at range 2 of the friendly unit specified by the Entourage keyword while both are undeployed, and may indeed issue them an order during the round one Command Phase.

    Hope this helps,

  6. Hi there,

    You are correct: a unit with the Scout X keyword will deploy by performing a free speed-X move action. As this is a standard move action, you may choose to use game effects and keywords that follow move action. Agile XTactical XSteady, and Relentless are all examples of such keywords that may be used following a move action.


    4 hours ago, Taiowaa said:

    Does this now change its interaction with Agile X, Tactical X, Steady and Relentless, so that all of these Keywords trigger off of the scout move action?


    Hope this helps,

  7. Hi there,

    Infiltrate reads, in brief: "At the start of an undeployed unit with the Infiltrate keywords activation, it may deploy by placing the unit leader of that unit within friendly territory."

    Scout X reads, in brief: "When an undeployed unit with the Scout X keyword activates, at the start of its Perform Actions step, it may deploy by performing a free speed-X move action..."

    These are very near timings, but not identical, and can be parsed using the "Parts of a Unit's Activation." Infiltrate is resolved in step 1: Resolve Abilities or Effects at the Start of a Unit's Activation. Scout X is resolved in step 3: Perform Actions.


    Putting these together, a unit with both Scout X and Infiltrate may deploy using either keyword, but not both. First, they will be given an opportunity to deploy using Infiltrate. If they opt not to, they may deploy using Scout X. If they (for some reason) opt not to, they will deploy using one of their two actions, performing a move action onto the table as normal.


    On 7/18/2024 at 11:50 PM, madmanrambler said:

    the confusion comes from whether you can 'be deployed' multiple ways at once- if you can deploy through infiltrate and then scout move for a 'free' move.

    A unit may have multiple game effects or keywords to deploy available to it, but it can only deploy once. As above, the unit may Infiltrate at the appropriate timing, above; it may Scout X shortly thereafter, if it does not deploy using Infiltrate.

    Hope this helps,

  8. Hi there,

    "While defending against an attack (...) in which weapons with the High Velocity Weapon Keyword are the only weapons in an attack pool, the Deflect keyword has no effect." This is the entirety of the Deflect keyword; the defending unit will not gain <Surge>:<Block>, nor will it cause the attack to suffer a wound for rolling a <Surge> result.

    Hope this helps,

  9. Hello,

    From the Transport Unit Keyword entry: "When a unit with the Transport keyword deploys, after the effect is resolved, the chosen unit deploys by performing a speed-1 move." This will occur immediately after the Transport deploys; in other words, after its first move onto the battlefield. A transport may not perform an additional action prior to deploying its nominated unit.

    Hope this helps,

  10. Hi there,

    If an aim token is spent to improve the range of a weapon using the Long Shot keyword, that weapon's range will be improved until the end of that attack sequence. The weapons range may be increased for multiple multiple attack pools, in the instance such a unit also has the Gunslinger keyword.


    On 12/14/2023 at 1:03 PM, Edac_Plays said:

    How many aims would need to be spent when a unit with gunslinger uses the longshot keyword?

    One aim token, when spent for Long Shot when forming the first attack pool, will improve the range of the weapon for both attack pools.

    Hope this helps,

  11. Hi there,

    The Relentless Unit Keyword (and Steady Charge!) may indeed be used following the free move action granted by spending a standby token.

    If the standby token is spent to perform a free attack action, the only unit that can be declared as a defender during a free attack made in this way is the enemy unit that performed the effect that triggered the standby. If the standby is spent to perform a free move action, any attacks generated by that move action are not so limited!


    13 hours ago, STABcast Ryan said:

    Can I delcare any defender in range as the attack came from the keyword and not the standby?

    Yes; a unit may perform a free attack action (granted by an eligible keyword) following the free move action granted by the standby token. Such a free attack action does not have any forced declared defender, and as such is not restricted to targeting the enemy unit that set off this chain of events.

    Hope this helps,

  12. Hi there,

    9 hours ago, Taiowaa said:

    The fact that Cad Bane is not deployed yet, how can you place a Bane token within range 1 of him?

    You cannot, and so would not be able to perform this particular effect.

    9 hours ago, Taiowaa said:

    Or does this mean you simply cannot play this card on turn 1?

    This card may be played during the first Command Phase in this way, if desired, without divulging it. If so, you would gain no further effect from the Command Card besides the pips and the orders issued!

    Hope this helps,

  13. Hi there,

    As described in the Entourage Unit Keyword entry, units specified by the Entourage keyword ignore the <Corps> rank requirement to provide backup to the unit with the Entourage keyword.

    This does mean that Emperor Palpatine, thanks tothe  Entourage: Imperial Royal Guards keyword, can receive backup from them even though they are not a Corps unit, assuming all other criteria are met.

    Hope this helps,

  14. Hello,

    A unit reduces its maximum speed by 1 if any of its miniatures begin or end a move in difficult terrain, or if the movement tool overlaps a piece of difficult terrain. This is not exclusive to the unit leader - if any minis are placed into difficult terrain, the unit has moved into difficult terrain, and would have to reduce its speed.

    Hope this helps,

  15. Hello, Dwit,

    A unit that is targeted by Vader's Might and placed in range of an enemy unit with a Standby token (in this case, Vader's friendly Stormtroopers) has not moved, attacked, or performed an action. Furthermore, they were placed on the table as the result of an effect of that Stormtrooper unit's controlling player. For all of these reasons, there is no opportunity for the Stormtroopers to spend their Standby.

    Hope this helps,

  16. Hello, Szymciu,

    If an enemy moves (in this case, as a result of Force Push) into range and LOS of a friendly unit with a Standby token, that token may be spent if, among other things, that action was not caused by an effect of that friendly unit's controlling player. Using the Force Push Upgrade Card's free card action on a friendly unit (in your example, Darth Vader) will not allow other friendly units to spend their standby token after that enemy unit performs a speed-1 move.

    Hope this helps,

  17. Hi there,

    Unit cards which do not appear in the 2024 Updated Player Card document may still be played using their legacy Unit Cards. Only cards which appear listed in the Removed Cards list of the Errata Reference document have been removed! The same is true for Upgrade Cards.

    Please continue to use your Shadow Collective units, using their modified points costs from the the Points Update document where given.

    Hope this helps,

  18. Hello,

    4 minutes ago, Dan said:

    On page 22 of the rule book it explains how to issue orders to units. No where in this section does it specify that a unit must be at range 3 of the issuing commander. 

    is this listed somewhere else in the book or has this requirement been removed?  

    There is no default range restriction for issuing orders. Units may issue orders to other units regardless of the range between them, unless affected by a game effect specifying otherwise.

    4 minutes ago, Dan said:

    The Imperial Remnant force is still restricted to range two for orders. 

    ...including for special rules such as this one! The Imperial Remnant does introduce a range at which units can be issued orders.

    Hope this helps,

  19. Hi there,

    2 hours ago, UnholyPlatypus said:

    Soresu mastery now states that "When a unit with Soresu Mastery is defending against a ranged 
    attack, it may reroll all of its defense dice during the Reroll 
    Defense Dice step". Does this mean we have to reroll all dice at once if we do not like the total result or can we reroll each dice/blank, up to all dice during the reroll defense dice step?  

    Obi-Wan may reroll all defense dice. Applying the Soresu Mastery keyword is optional, but how many dice he rerolls if doing so is not! This is a "full redo"; he will reroll all his defense dice.

    2 hours ago, UnholyPlatypus said:

    Additionally, when using guardian with soresu mastery, when a dodge token is spent to gain surge to block, does spending that dodge token still cancel out one non-critical hit?

    Spending a dodge token to reroll defense dice rolled while using Guardian does not cancel a hit. The dodge token is being spent for the unique effect given in the Soresu Mastery keyword.

    Hope this helps,

  20. Hi there,

    3 minutes ago, Dan said:

    Is it intended that HV no longer protects against Deflect?

     Deflect no longer requires the spending of a dodge token, which is all that HV prevents

    This is not correct. Refer to the final line of the Deflect unit keyword entry:

    "While defending or using the Guardian X keyword against an attack in which weapons with the High Velocity weapon keyword are the only weapons in an attack pool, the Deflect keyword has no effect."

    Hope this helps,

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