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Dormammu leadership timing

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Just wondered about the timing and effect of Dormammu's leadership.


Lets say I'm playing dark dimension, and my Beta Ray Bill is contesting an infinity formula objective with 2 power at the start of the round

With the timing in the power phase:

- He gains 2 power due to the power phase (And his blessed by the all-father rule), so goes up to 4 total.

- Then player effects happen, so he gains one power up to 5 from the leadership ability.

- Then the crisis effects happen, so he gains 1 power up to 6 due to the infinity formula.


Does the leadership ability 'Flames of the faltine'  check if he has 6 power (to do the damage and give a power to Dormammu) in the player effects step? Or does it check for the 6 power, and do damage, at ANY POINT in the power phase?


So in this example, does Bill take a damage? He only had 5 power at the player effects step, so we played that the leadership didn't kick in.



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1 hour ago, Sam117 said:

Then player effects happen, so he gains one power up to 5 from the leadership ability.

This power is gained in step 1 with the base power gain. 

1 hour ago, Sam117 said:

Does the leadership ability 'Flames of the faltine'  check if he has 6 power (to do the damage and give a power to Dormammu) in the player effects step?


1 hour ago, Sam117 said:

So in this example, does Bill take a damage?


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