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Ahsoka's Fierce Protector ability

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Ahsoka is one one side of the board contesting an objective.  On the other side of the board an allied unit is wounded.  There is no way Ashoka can reach the enemy unit to attack it, and if she does a full advance she will no longer contest the objective.

Can she advance 0" (or some other partial distance to stay within range 2 of the objective), then heal 3?  I know pushes and pulls must move the full distance, but I wasn't sure if this advance would require her to move the full distance toward the enemy.

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5 hours ago, Don said:

Ahsoka is one one side of the board contesting an objective.  On the other side of the board an allied unit is wounded.  There is no way Ashoka can reach the enemy unit to attack it, and if she does a full advance she will no longer contest the objective.

Can she advance 0" (or some other partial distance to stay within range 2 of the objective), then heal 3?

Yes she can. 

The requirement for an Advance is the character is put into contact with the movement tool. There is no requirement for the character to move to the end of the tool or a minimum distance. 

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