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Does the Snip'et informing that "If a character's miniature can't physically fit underneath balance on top of or fit inside a terrain feature, the character cannot end a move there" mean to use the word 'inside' as in physically inside? Or as in 'inside the boundaries of the terrain feature'? 

By extension, can a miniature end its movement:

- in a narrow gap between two buildings, smaller than the width of the base of it? (Almost certainly not, as per not being able to physically fit inside)

- on a flat-topped, cubic crate of negligible height that it can balance on top of easily while overhanging over multiple sides? (Possibly not as per fitting inside the imaginary boundaries of the terrain feature)



Edited by ryfterek
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Terrain features should be defined by opponents before the game starts to determine how they will be played. 

Based on your description:

On 6/15/2023 at 11:25 AM, ryfterek said:

By extension, can a miniature end its movement:

- in a narrow gap between two buildings, smaller than the width of the base of it? (Almost certainly not, as per not being able to physically fit inside)

If the character does not fit in the location it would end movement in, it cannot end there. 

On 6/15/2023 at 11:25 AM, ryfterek said:

By extension, can a miniature end its movement:

- on a flat-topped, cubic crate of negligible height that it can balance on top of easily while overhanging over multiple sides? (Possibly not as per fitting inside the imaginary boundaries of the terrain feature)


If the character does not fit on the terrain feature, it cannot end a movement there. 

On 6/15/2023 at 11:25 AM, ryfterek said:

Does the Snip'et informing that "If a character's miniature can't physically fit underneath balance on top of or fit inside a terrain feature, the character cannot end a move there" mean to use the word 'inside' as in physically inside? Or as in 'inside the boundaries of the terrain feature'? 

It can be either depending on the nature of the terrain feature in question and how players define the terrain feature. 

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