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does the "Jump" ability trigger "Mandalorian are stronger together"?

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Regarding "Jump" from the Mandalorians which read (And sorry if I missed this in the manual - any page reference would be great)

"Each character in this unit may jump"

And "Mandalorians are stronger together" read

"After this unit makes a move action, it may use this ability. If a character in this Unit is within <range> 2 of another allied Mandalorian character, this unit immediately makes a focus action"

I wonder if Gar Saxon spends a force to jump using the "JUMP" ability and he lands range 2 of another Mandalorian character then does he trigger "Mandalorians are stronger together"?

I guess the question can be stated also as, are "moves" triggered by abilities also "move" actions?


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4 hours ago, JEREB said:

I wonder if Gar Saxon spends a force to jump using the "JUMP" ability and he lands range 2 of another Mandalorian character then does he trigger "Mandalorians are stronger together"?

He does not.

A “move action” is a thing that lets you choose to advance, dash or climb. It is one of the types of actions your Unit can choose for its actions during an activation or could potentially be provided by a special rule.

An advance, dash or climb is a type of movement, but not inherently a move action

All move actions are advances, dashes or climbs, but advances, dashes or climbs are not always move actions (because they can be granted to you separate from a move action)

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