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Timing on paying an ability’s force cost

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Curious on the timing window of resolving abilities that trigger at the same time that have a force cost. Do we pay the cost when we activate or resolve?

E.g. Captain Rex activates, opposing Jango uses Not So Fast and Captain Rex uses Get A Move On Soldier. Obviously the activating player will order the abilities so that Captain Rex moves and gets out of range 3. Does Jango still need to resolve the ability he triggered and pay the force cost even though Rex is no longer at range 3?

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16 hours ago, CDunn said:

Curious on the timing window of resolving abilities that trigger at the same time that have a force cost. Do we pay the cost when we activate or resolve?

You pay the cost at the time the ability is used.

Keep in mind an ability can have different timings between when it triggers, is used and resolves.

16 hours ago, CDunn said:

Captain Rex activates, opposing Jango uses Not So Fast and Captain Rex uses Get A Move On Soldier. Obviously the activating player will order the abilities so that Captain Rex moves and gets out of range 3. Does Jango still need to resolve the ability he triggered and pay the force cost even though Rex is no longer at range 3?

There is actually no choice available in this specific scenario as to the timing they resolve in as Start of Activation Tactics abilities always resolve before Start of Activation Reactive abilities. (Appendix A - Activating a Unit steps)

If they did happen to share a timing though and the scenario was ordered as described, Jango would not need to pay until he used the ability (after the resolution of Get a Move on Soldier)

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