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Hoping you can clarify a question around sequencing of events in the following scenario: 


Kalani makes an attack and gets enough success through to wound a unit and also to trigger the free active ability and uses the Tactical Network to activate a Battle Droid character to make a Dash and Attack roll that then would wound another unit. 

Ahsoka, Jedi no more, has the Fierce Protector ability to Advance and if engaged attack the enemy character. 

Timing in Appendix A states that attacker resolves abilities before the defender, so does that mean that the Battle Droids would make their dash and attack before Ahsoka can use the Fierce protector ability, and if so, does that mean that Ahsoka can trigger to go after Kalani first and then trigger again to go after the Battle Droid character after, or would she only be able to use the ability once against one of the attackers and if so which one?

This comes up as she may not have enough movement to engage the Battle Droid character activated by Tactical network but might be able to have the distance if she goes into Kalani first or vice versa, Kalani may be out of range for Ahsoka to get into combat, but if she can choose to go into the Battle Droid first, then she may be able to move on to Kalani afterwards. 


Thanks for your clarification on this.  

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  • 2 months later...
On 7/26/2023 at 7:23 AM, SirSmashALot said:

Timing in Appendix A states that attacker resolves abilities before the defender, so does that mean that the Battle Droids would make their dash and attack before Ahsoka can use the Fierce protector ability, and if so, does that mean that Ahsoka can trigger to go after Kalani first and then trigger again to go after the Battle Droid character after, or would she only be able to use the ability once against one of the attackers and if so which one?

The use of Tactical Network from the Active Ability effect in his combat tree would occur in step 10c of his attack.

Fierce Protector occurs in step 10d of the attack that triggers it.

You would resolve Fierce Protector against the Battle Droids attack first and then against the attack from Kalani

It effectively looks like this if we mapped out the steps

Kalani's attack
   - Battle Droids attack
     10d - Fierce Protector against the Battle Droid
10c (We return to Kalani's attack at the point we left it)
10d - Fierce Protector against Kalani


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