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Protection and receiving a condition a second time

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Pretty much as the title says. If a unit with Protection receives a second instance of a condition during an attack, either from a reactive ability (such as Coordinated Fire), or from receiving a condition on the combat tree, does the one damage go in to the Damage Pool, which can be reduced by Protection, or is it "separate"? And if it does not go in the pool, is the damage taken immediately when the condition is applied (ie before the damage pool is)?

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So, a unit with protection and a pinned token is defending from a ranged attack from 501st clones. The clones get 1 success, which is just a pinned token. Since the defender already has a pinned token, they take a damage instead. Is that damage that occurs instead of getting a second token added to the damage pool? If so, it'd get canceled by protection. If not, it'd get dealt. I ruled that it's not added to the pool in a recent event.

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  • Negoldar locked this topic
  • 4 months later...

This ruling is changing slightly with the update to the core rules today (February 2024).

The damage from a condition being applied to a Unit that already has that condition, if the condition is being added via the combat tree options, becomes a part of the attacks damage pool now.

The damage from a condition being applied to a Unit that already has that condition, if the condition is being added from something other than a combat tree option, still occurs immediately.

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