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Drawing a Shatterpoint card after reserving a Unit.

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  • 1 month later...

If the Shatterpoint card is flipped after placing an order in reserve, can you spend a force to flip the next card and then shuffle the Shatterpoint card into the deck?

The rules for reserving and order card say “Instead, the player immediately reveals the next card in their Order Deck and activates that Unit.” Since the Shatterpoint card doesn’t have a specific corresponding unit, are you forced to play it or can you use force to flip the next card?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some previous questions have gotten close to asking this but I was hoping to get a specific ruling for this situation. If I draw a unit and pay the 1 Force to reserve that unit and the next card drawn is the Shatterpoint card am I able to pay 1 Force and shuffle the Shatterpoint card back into my order deck or do I have to play the Shatterpoint card this activation?

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On 5/28/2023 at 9:48 PM, GarnetBear said:

If you just reserved a Unit Order Card and then reveal the Shatterpoint card can you spend one force to instead reveal the next card and shuffle the Shatterpoint card into your Order Deck?


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