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I'm Just Looking to Get Paid and Strained

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Let's assume Jango Fett is strained and attacks an enemy secondary, wounding it. Strained triggers "after the effect is resolved, this Unit suffers 3 damage" (CRB page 35) and I'm Just Looking to Get Paid triggers "after the effect is resolved". Since the triggers are the same timing, can the active player choose to resolve the healing first, removing the strain so that Jango does not take damage from it?

Alternatively, consider the case where Jango uses Not So Fast to wound the enemy. Could he resolve the healing first to remove the strain under those circumstances?


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On 8/12/2023 at 2:10 AM, zeusjus said:

Since the triggers are the same timing, can the active player choose to resolve the healing first, removing the strain so that Jango does not take damage from it?

In this situation, they actually have slightly different resolution timings. Given nothing else occurring that might trigger the Strain, "I'm just looking to get paid" would resolve in 10c and Strain in 10e.

On 8/12/2023 at 2:10 AM, zeusjus said:

Alternatively, consider the case where Jango uses Not So Fast to wound the enemy. Could he resolve the healing first to remove the strain under those circumstances?


In this situation, you do have both "I'm just looking to get paid" and Strain resolving at the same time. However, Appendix A tells us that non-player effects (Strain) occur after Player effects (I'm just looking to get Paid), so the Healing actually has to occur before the Strain.

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