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Iron Man (Hulkbuster) - “always have a backup” - objective tokens

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When Iron Man (hulkbuster) uses the superpower Always have a plan the character is removed from the game, the superpower describes what happens to effects, damage and power but not what happens to any objective tokens that IM (hb) is holding at the time.


are they dropped at this point or do they transfer to Hulkbuster. Raw feels like it should be a drop, but I’m not sure if this was the intended outcome. 

further to this if the tokens are dropped, who places the token, controlling player or opposing

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  • 8 months later...

If Iron Man (Hulkbuster) is holding objective tokens and uses the superpower «Always Have a Backup» to put Hulkbuster back into play, are the objectives dropped or do they go on Hulkbuster?

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On 8/30/2023 at 5:57 AM, ElladanAnardil said:

When Iron Man (hulkbuster) uses the superpower Always have a plan the character is removed from the game, the superpower describes what happens to effects, damage and power but not what happens to any objective tokens that IM (hb) is holding at the time.


are they dropped at this point or do they transfer to Hulkbuster. Raw feels like it should be a drop, but I’m not sure if this was the intended outcome. 

further to this if the tokens are dropped, who places the token, controlling player or opposing

When a character is removed from the game, they will drop any objective tokens they are currently holding. This will be made clearer in the future.

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On 5/8/2024 at 6:39 PM, ElladanAnardil said:

The default is then that the opponent resolved this place correct? 

Yes, by default a dropped token is placed by the opponent of the player whose character is dropping it

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